Chartwell International School

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Chartwell International School
Categoría: Pre-School

After examining different kinds of seeds, we decided to plant beans! To help the beans germinate, we put them on the cotton wool, watered them and tucked them in the plastic bags near the window.


At the same time, we started an experiment which was to test the idea of the things necessary for a plant to grow, so we put the beans to grow in different conditions: some were planted in soil, but with no light or water, others had water, but were left without soil and light, while the third group had light and water and, you guess, no soil. The lucky fourth group of beans grew in conditions that we learned a lot about: soil, water and plenty of light – everything a bean could hope for. Though eager to see the results, wise as we are, we knew that, if you want things to grow, you need to give them time. And, so, we waited.

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Luckily, and to our great excitement, the seeds in the bags started to germinate and, during the process, turned out to be a very interesting subject to explore.

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Ten days passed and it was time to open our experiment box and see what had happened. A thorough investigation confirmed what we had learned about the optimal conditions to grow a plant, since the beans that grew in that way had nice green sprouts shooting out of the soil, but it also brought out some interesting conclusions:

1. If you plant a bean in soil and close it in a box, it will have a looong sprout but, instead of the familiar green you are aiming for, you will get a quite ill-looking yellowish plant!

2. Should you decide to put your bean in water, but deprive it of soil and light, you’re in for quite a funny smell, so make sure your nose is properly protected.

3. Beans that you try to cultivate only in water and light will apparently not sprout, but will seemingly become harder, which makes them an excellent material for musical shakers. Now, water from this jar evaporated and that opened the door for a completely new topic, one that we will discuss on some other occasion.

With our curiosity satisfied, we decided to help our beans enter the next stage of growing, so some of them we planted in the cups and some, of course, in our garden.

Day after day our plants grew bigger and bigger. You can see them climbing our garden fence! Now, there’s this story we read about this boy and giant which made us wonder where exactly will to grow to…Hmmm.




CIS Calendar 2024-25
CIS Calendar 2025-26