Our first Y3b/Y1b Book Buddy Session was a SUCCESS!
The Year 3 students read ORT books to their Year 1 friends. They showed great enthusiasm and empathy towards their younger book buddies.
They were encouraged to read then discuss the books with the little ones and help them fill out the Reader Response log. Ms Sanja and Ms Dunja were amazed by what they were hearing.
The Year 3 boys and girls were so encouraging telling the little ones to keep up the great work, that they were doing a good job, that it was okay to make mistakes, reminding them to use finger spaces when writing, to use erasers, praising their handwriting, speaking and reading as well. The Y1's were also wonderful listeners, paying close attention to the stories read to them.
This Book Buddy program goes hand in hand with our PD Bucket Filling. Both classes felt good with this interaction and are looking forward to their next meeting.
What we were hoping to accomplish with this Book Buddy program was to encourage a positive Bucket Filling dialogue between two students who may not otherwise have been in contact while at the same time promoting reading and writing.
We did just that!