Squashing and squeezing, tracing and drawing – all skills are needed while exploring the human body.
Off to a good start, students first made sure they know their basics. What are the major organs? Where are the major organs? What is their shape, and what is their function?
Questions, questions, questions! Still, nothing is too hard for the class talented for drawing and with a classmate that is ready to volunteer their body shape for the greater cause.
Liver, it turns out, has many jobs to do! No wonder then that we overestimated its size.
Knowledge builds confidence, or so they say. After learning about the digestive process students were ready to recreate the food’s journey through the body. With full focus, it is time cut like incisors and grind like molars, then squash and squirt like the stomach. The sieving comes last. A bit yucky, maybe, but some are willing to do all that it takes to get the needed nutrients.