Chartwell International School

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Chartwell International School
Categoría: Primary
Great Mathematicians Poets And Scientists 1

Another busy and fun week for us!

 We visited a nearby aquarium and terrarium where we could see some unique and rare species of fish, insects and reptiles.

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But that’s not all! We did some amazing classroom work as well.

Our English lessons were very ’poetic’ ! The students wrote and illustrated poems and proved to be both great artists and team players.

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And Math was so much fun with a guest teacher who taught us a kinestetic approach to doing adding and subtracting. The kids loved to add and subtract numbers using their whole bodies!

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Great mathematicians poets and scientists 5

We also stared focusing a little more on healthy eating and food groups. Eat a Rainbow project started and every day students bring and enjoy their heathy, rainbow color snacks.

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Apart from being such great mathematicians, poets and scientists, they are great athletes as well! Two students from 3a- Aisha and Viktor took part at the Municipality Athletics tournament and achieved excellent results as the best in their categories (long jump and 50m running)

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Great mathematicians poets and scientists 9

And there is Otzi, the Iceman! The students saw a presentation about the mummy discovered in the Alps and did a number of fun follow-up activities that boosted and inspired their creativity, imagination and knowledge!

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Another busy week is behind us, we are looking forward to the next and we’ll do our best to make it more fun and learn even more!

CIS Calendar 2024-25
CIS Calendar 2025-26