Chartwell International School

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Chartwell International School

“If your child is just starting school, the chances are that by the time s/he starts work s/he will be using a technology that does not yet exist.”

Clearly, it is counter-productive to fill children’s heads with facts that will be long outdated when they come to make use of them.

The essential task of a school is to teach the child to learn, to seek independently and find the knowledge and skills that s/he needs in all of life’s situations. To do this, s/he must develop a love of learning in the child, an enthusiasm for enquiry that spills over from school into all aspects of the child’s life. Encouragement and motivation are keywords in Chartwell’s teaching philosophy.

teaching method 1

Class sizes are small enough for teachers to tailor the curriculum to the needs of each child. All children are different, and all need just the right challenges to make every day an experience of growth and development. This individual attention is an essential part of Chartwell’s approach.

teaching method 2

At the same time, the student’s ownership of the learning process is assisted by a thematic approach, project work that involves research into several subjects and sets objectives to be attained. Students can achieve concrete results of which they can be proud.