This week the Nursery children have enjoyed some activities which highlighted our 'senses' topic.
In the circle time we sorted rough and smooth items, hard and soft items, we observed our hands and some objects with the magnifying glass. We were also smelling some different flavours like cinnamon, vanilla, coffee, lemon etc.
Our theater trip turned out to be a wonderful experience for all (teachers included).
The Nursery group enjoyed the stories about 'Elmer' - the colourful elephant.The children made a big Elmer as a group and we noticed what a lot of fun it is working together as a team.
On Thursday we celebrated 'World Book Day'. We saw lots of different characters and a combination of different books.
F2 children visited the Ethnographic Museum on Tuesday. Our museum guide, Ms Ana told us about the things we saw and about how people used to live in the past. The children say it is difficult for them to imagine life without electricity but they really wanted to learn about life in the past.