Hello from the Y2b classroom! Many interesting things have happened in our class in the past few days.
Instructions and shapes were the topics that kept the year 1B classroom busy!
Hello from the 1B classroom! During our Science class, we began talking about water - where it comes from and the ways we use it.
5 A had an amazing two weeks of learning in preparation for World Book Day. We studied an Inuit legend from North America. We created our own book covers for the story, re-wrote the legend from a different character’s point of view, learned about the history of the Inuit and, in geography, we looked at how they adapt their lives to the climate and environment.
A big hello from everyone in class 3A. Spring is just around the corner and we can't wait, but we have enjoyed and made the most of the snow season this year - we have made a new friend - Donald the snowman!