Year 2a has begun this half term with the scientific study of electricity.
Paleolithic times bring Paleolithic weather and yet, our intrepid group of young would-be paleontologists were excited to be visiting one of the most important prehistoric sites of the Balkan region… The Risovaca Cave, located on the outskirts of Arandjelovac.
Let’s take a look at what Year 1 A has been up to:
Today is World Teachers' Day and we would like to extend, on this wonderful day, a heartfelt and sincere Thank You to all of our teachers here at Chartwell International School and around the world. Let's take a moment to appreciate all of the teachers that sacrifice for a better tomorrow. We appreciate all you do!
Thank You!
Toward excellence!
A cool day, skies watery and a pale gray. I walk outside sidestepping a few murky puddles.