Year 2A is winding up our study of Traditional Tales with a puppet theater! Students planned and organized their retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Three Little Pigs" and "Cinderella" and drew their own puppet characters.
" Welcome to the Second Term, where time flies when we are having fun!"
In Second Term Maths, we have been quite busy discussing the topic of 3D shapes. We have compared two different groups of shapes, 2D and 3D shapes, so that children can differentiate between them. We also looked at their attributes.
By Allen B.
Last Thursday, Upper Primary took a field trip to the Tašmajdan Stadium ice skating rink. A fairly long-standing tradition at Upper Primary, Year 5 and Year 6 took to the ice skating rink later that morning.
Having completed assessments, Year 2c are finally ready to enjoy the upcoming holiday season to the fullest!
3A have had a busy few months since we came back to school. Not only have we had our regular lessons in all our subjects, but we have had
some school trips and also some activites at school.